I've had some questions about religion and beliefs lately. Though I don't officially subscribe to any religion, after a discussion with a friend it seems my beliefs resonate as an "eclectic pagan" which sounds pretty cool to me.
These are the things I believe in:
I believe everyone has a right to live the life they chose as long as it doesn't physically harm anyone or anything else. I believe there are probably higher beings, multiple, that effect things to an extent. We have free will and can make our own decisions but there are things we don't have control over.
things we don't have control over are mostly outside things like
weather but in ones own life sometimes I feel like obstacles or
challenges get thrown in out of nowhere. In my own personal experience,
anytime I get excited about something, something comes up to smash it. A
lot of times something better comes along., but it still feels like
something steering things around. I know my life would be a lot
different if I had been able to afford to go to school for graphic
design/advertising. Things would be a lot different if I hadn't found
out I had asthma and joined the Army. Things would be different if I had
gotten into the plays in High School because then I wouldn't have tried
community theater. Maybe there is something called fate. Maybe Life is a
"choose-your-own-adventure book" and there are only a few possible
endings and depending on how you live your life and how you deal with
these changes and challenges, ultimately affects where you end up. And
then there's death. With the exception of suicide, you can't really
control when you die. You can do things to try to live longer, stay
healthy. but ultimately I don't think there's really a choice there. I
do believe in spirits hanging around. maybe lost souls waiting to start
again. Maybe souls with unfinished business. Loved ones refusing to move
on to look over those in their lives. I like the idea of multiple Gods/Goddesses who see over different things in life. I sometimes wish I lived in ancient Greece because those Gods/Goddesses make the most sense to me. There is a Mother Nature or something of that sort, and she/he, is pretty pissed at what humans have done to the Earth. I don't entirely understand global warming but I know something is off with the weather and things are off balance. I believe in reincarnation. I believe my soul has lived many other lives. I believe that some of my totally irrational fears stem from past lives. I also believe that my soul plays a factor in things that I enjoy or have interests in. I believe in karma and what goes around, comes around. I believe all lives are important. I don't believe in hunting for sport but if an animal is killed for food and survival that's okay. I believe in a woman's choice to an abortion. I personally wouldn't do it unless it directly affected my survival. But it's not my place to chose for other people. I believe in love; gay, straight, transgender, bi-sexual, a-sexual, it doesn't matter to me. I believe people should be able to carry any weapon they feel necessary for protection. They have the right to protect themselves and their family. Be a good person. Do good for others. Help when you can. Ask for help when you need it. Love. Forgive. Move on. Believe in yourself. Understand and embrace the differences between you and others in life. Don't force your beliefs on others.
That about covers what I believe in.
What do you believe? Are we on the same page? Are we complete opposites?
(only polite conversation here please.)