Well, in reality it's somewhere around 12am but you'll quickly learn that I do most of my thinking while listening to music. My titles will often be song lyrics from whatever song I'm listening to.
It's been a while since I've blogged. In fact, since I decided to start again, I was reading my previous blogs on MySpace. It's amazing what a difference a few years could make on someone's life. The last blog I wrote was in November of 2008 and it was very short. It said, "can someone have a future with someone else if their past is still present? that's a very good question. time to make like Toyota and 'keep moving forward'." I skimmed back all the way to late September of 2007 and let me tell you... it was colorful. But that was then. It's time to focus on the now, and the future.
So, I guess I should start with a little about myself then. I'm a 20 year old who is probably too busy for her own good. I'm involved in a lot of activities and even though I don't always get a proper amount of sleep, I wouldn't change that for anything. Currently, I work at DOTS (a woman's clothing store), I go to church every Sunday at Life Bridge in Lockport, I am on the planning committee of the Our Mother of Good Council Anniversary Festival in Homer Glen, I go dancing as often as possible (Swing, Blues, and recently Salsa), I'm currently enrolled in Bartending School, and most importantly I'm co-facilitator of a youth outreach in Lockport called YASO. I know a lot of people say you're not what you do but I'm not sure I agree with that. I think what you do says a lot about who you are. I live with my dad for now. We're really close even though we don't always agree on stuff. I see my mom once in a while. We're not really close but I'd like us to be. I have an older sister who I've always looked up to. She has two boys who I don't see as much as I'd like to. I have an older brother (kinda). He's not blood related but he's been around for most of my life. He has three kids who think of me as their Aunt and I'm cool with that. I have more friends who are guys than I do girls but the few girlfriends I have are the best anyone could ask for. And I have a wonderful boyfriend who would do anything to make me smile.
I have a lot of things on my mind right now and that actually prompted me to start this blog but I know if I start putting it all in here now it's going to sound like a crazy unorganized rant. I don't know what this blog is going to look like but I know that I want it to mean something. After a while my MySpace blog became a detailed update on my weekend and different categorized subjects with mini-paragraph descriptions of each aspect in my life. I don't want that here. I want this to be a place to write about my goals and dreams, questions and doubts, fears and concerns. Anything that's bothering me or anything that makes me really happy is going to be in here. It's not always going to be grammatically correct or spelled properly and if anyone decides to read this, you're just going to have to accept that.
Well that's my little introduction. You'll learn more about me as we go but that's a good start.
I'd suggest ending with "That's all.", but I think Kris has that trademarked already. :)